Human Resources Management - from a small firm to a major corporation

HRM+, the new Estonian human resources software is aimed at companies of any size and can contain the employee data of several enterprises in one single database. HRM+ application and database are fit for both small companies and large corporations of several companies. In HRM+ database, employee data is accessible through different companies while employment contracts are only accessible within the company.
The basic package of HRM+ human resources software includes:
o data on the structure and positions: accounts on the structure of the organization, periods of validity and history;
o employees’ personal data, contact information, data on household, documents, taxation data, pictures, education and training, skills;
o staff and non-staff workers, different types of contracts, salary scales, bonuses rising from both contract and position, internal structure of the salary, tutoring and substitution, tracking changes and viewing history;
o vacations and calculation of available vacation days, leaves, business trips, work discipline and awards, length of employment by contract and by work relationship, previous positions;
o generating texts for employment contracts and directives of vacations and business trips based on the information in the database, tracking the changes in employment contracts.
HRM+ module for calculating working times makes it possible to delegate schedule making and to keeping track of the working time to the direct managers, while vacations, business trips and leaves inserted by the HR worker will also materialize in the schedule. Work time can also be divided by different places of expense, different rooms or into other subdivisions.
Special features of HRM+ :
o corporate, yet company-centred approach;
o simple and compact interface, all basic HR operations in a single window;
o extremely flexible and easy to configure according to the client’s needs, default configurations for quick implementation, well-optimized database structure;
o flexible system of authorization, making it possible to give all rights to one HR manager or divide the functionality between a number of HR workers or give people outside the HR department access to HRM+ for the purpose of making queries only;
o dividing the employees into portfolios to be managed by different HR workers;
o notifications and assignments based on either person or user for oneself, others or everyone;
o flexible report generators and saving and sharing report forms;
o generating directives of vacations and business trips and intelligent contract text manager;
o nothing is ever deleted from the database and the whole history can be tracked, also by person;
o basic HRM+ package includes a license for one workstation and a SQLBase database large enough for 100 employees.